Having a data strategy for your website means you understand your customer’s voice is valuable.
Website visitors share their most precious resource with you – their data. You are in the position to be a trusted partner that uses the resource wisely and respectfully.
Data-inspired marketing empowers your organization to take action and strengthens communications using your website to attract your ideal client.
As a leader, you invest time, money and energy into your online presence. With all your blog posts and content on social media, you want to make sure you spend that effort on things that will build your business.
Did the hard work pay off ?
Can you confidently answer the question,
What fell flat?
What engaged your community?
What is the ROI of your efforts?
Acknowledge your efforts by using data to strategically grow your online presence.
We turn hard work into smart work.
Get insights you need to grow and be successful by getting a personalized “You’re Trending” report.
How can a report empower me to attract my ideal client?
The “You’re Trending” report enables you and your team quick and easy understanding of your website’s traffic and content successes.
The “You’re Trending report provides the information necessary to transform your website and align with your online community.
A presentation-style report, provides you with the flexibility to utilize key findings, charts, and observations in your organization’s own branded reports.
How can a report create connections to my customers?

Deep insights and unique researched findings.
Learn where your visitors land, what platforms refer them, how they found you & so much more.
What else is possible with data stories?
Location-based insights
Year over year analysis to document transition & highlight success stories
Combine data from social media platforms for deeper context and greater community understanding
Ongoing trend updates keeps you current and relevant with your social networks
Reporting and partner dashboards to see only things you need & none of what you don’t